Dogsee Crunch Banana: Freeze-Dried Banana Dog Treats

Want your doggos to go bananas over their treats? Our grain-free banana dog treats will do that for your dog. Containing just one ingredient, fresh bananas and nothing else, these are extremely safe treats for dogs. They help build strong muscles and bones with Potassium and proteins and hormones with Vitamin B6, acting as healthy dog training treats.


  • Contributes to the growth of muscles and bones.
  • Helps build proteins and hormones.
  • Source of natural antioxidants.



  • Human Grade
  • Gluten-Free
  • Grain-Free
  • Preservatives-Free
  • Low Fat

Dogsee Crunch Banana: Freeze-Dried Banana Dog Treats

Want your doggos to go bananas over their treats? Our grain-free banana dog treats will do that for your dog. Containing just one ingredient, fresh bananas and nothing else, these are extremely safe treats for dogs. They help build strong muscles and bones with Potassium and proteins and hormones with Vitamin B6, acting as healthy dog training treats.
Only Banana and nothing else
  • Protein - 5.8%
  • Dietary Fiber - 7.1%
  • Fat - 2.3%
  • Moisture - 4.0%
  • Ash - 0.01%
  • Contributes to the growth of muscles and bones.
  • Helps build proteins and hormones.
  • Source of natural antioxidants.